Sometime in 1985, Tipper Gore rounded up some of her best friends, popped open a bottle of Dom Perignon, and spent the night listening to Twisted Sister, Judas Priest, and Black Sabbath. At least I hope this is what happened.
What has Runout Numbers been up to this summer? Spinning, spinning, and more spinning, both on air and off!
Sonny Bono died 20 years ago today. If you’re a rock and roll fan, you should care. If you love a good American bootstraps story, you should care. And if you’re looking for an inspirational story of persistence, he’s your guy.
It must be serious writers' block to feel like you need to pen a song about Wednesday, and that's probably how we felt putting together this show. Yet, it appears some of our faves have a lot to say about the days dividing and identifying the construct of linear time, and it is our duty to share that with you, dear listener.
Songs about places tonight on Runout Numbers! We're both from special places: Detroit, out west, Arizona, the prairies of the Midwest, and good ole Music City, USA. As people who have traversed the country a few times and moved homes a few times more, place is important to us.
A stronghold of election season is always the soundtrack. In honor of the national conventions being held this summer, we thought it would be cute to highlight some of the most interesting campaign songs from years past. Keep in mind this was blissfully pre-Trump, when we still had a sense of humor about things involving politics: a moment in time.